Jumat, 19 September 2008


Oleh: Jaja Suteja
( Dosen Fakultas Ekonomi-UNPAS Bandung


Transformational leadership and organizational culture have become increasingly popular topics over the past 10 years. These topics contain the key to understanding organizational effectivness. Leadership and organizational culture are purpoted to be tightly intertwined. Leaders must have a deep understanding of the identity and impact of the organizational culture in order to widely communicate and implement new visions and inspire follower commitment to the vision. Transformational leaders help shape and maintain the desired culture of an organization. Transformational leadershipis defined as the process of influencing major changes in the attitudes and assumptions of organizational members and building commitment for the organization’s mission, objectives and strategies. While organizational culture can be defined as the deep-rooted beliefs, values, and assumptions widely shared by organizational members and powerfully shape the identity and behavioral norms for the group. There is a constant interplay between culture and ledership. Transformational leadership and positive organizational culture have been linked in enhanced organizational effectiveness.
Key words: Transformational leadership, organizational culture, organizational effectivness.

Konsep awal tentang kepemimpinan trasnformasional telah diformulasikan oleh Burns (1978) dalam penelitian deskriptifnya, Burns menjelaskan kepemimpinan transformasional sebagai sebuah proses yang padanya para pemimpin dan pengikutnya saling menaikan diri ketingkat moralitas dan motivasi yang lebih tinggi. Para pemimpin tersebut mencoba memunculkan kesadaran dari pengikutnya dengan menyerukan cita-cita yang lebih tinggi dan nilai-nilai moral seperti kemerdekaan, keadilan dan kemanusian, bukan didasarkan atas emosi sesaat, seperti keserakahan, otoriterisme atau menciptakan kecemburuan. Oleh karenanya kepemimpinan yang bersifat transformasional ini telah menjadi suatu topik yang makin popular pada akhir-akhir ini.

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